My career as a freshwater and marine biologist sometimes comes out in my paintings, even when I don’t intend it to. This one, called “Planarians”, was named after I started working on the single dots on the red stripes and realised that the result looked a bit like a planarian, or flatworm. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of species worldwide. Planarians have an amazing ability to regenerate lost body parts; a planarian split lengthwise or crosswise will regenerate into two separate individuals. Many species will only live where the water quality is good and can be used as bioindicators. This colourful but relaxing square abstract would look good in a variety of settings. It is ready to hang.
“Planarians” is no longer available. It would be impossible to reproduce exactly but I could do a similar painting on a no obligation commission basis. Just click on the link below the last photograph to send me an email.